Maps / Directions

Please be aware that if you use the postcode with SatNav, you may end up at the wrong location. It's best to search using the street name - Yeld Road.


  •  Yeld Road (Burton Edge Crossing) 
  • The postcode of both properties is DE45 1FJ. 
    Please note that this postcode is shared with many houses along the full length of Yeld Road. Also the houses are not numbered.

Follow the detailed directions below to find the properties.

Public Transport

  •  There are regular bus services from Chesterfield, Manchester and Derby.

Detailed Directions from the Centre of Bakewell

The town of Bakewell is easy to find and may be approached from many directions all of which are scenic routes in their own right. The properties are on a hill overlooking the town approximately 1km from centre.

From Baslow: Follow the A619 to the centre of Bakewell. Go over the bridge over the river Wye. Go straight on through the one-way system and head towards the roundabout with the Rutland Arms Hotel in front of you. As you approach the roundabout stay in the outside lane but signal left when you get onto it. Turn left and immediately right into King Street (B5055 sign-posted Monyash) with the Rutland Arms Hotel on your right.

From Matlock: Follow the A6 into Bakewell. About 50 metres after the 3rd pedestrian crossing (outside Thornton's) turn sharp left into King Street before the roundabout (B5055 sign-posted Monyash) with the Rutland Arms Hotel on your right.

From Buxton: Follow the A6 into Bakewell. As you approach the roundabout keep in the outside lane and signal right, heading towards A6 Matlock. Turn immediately right into King Street (B5055 sign-posted Monyash) with the Rutland Arms Hotel on your right.

Then: Go up King Street and on up the hill passing the church on your right. After the church take the first turning on the left into Yeld Road. Follow Yeld Road for about 400 metres until you see the the junction with Burton Edge, which is on the left hand side. Slow down!

Start to follow the bend to the right. The properties are the 2nd and 3rd houses immediately on the left.

Parking for Hartshill is at the front and right-hand side of the property.

Parking for Ribblesdale is to the rear. At the bend in the road, carry straight on into Burton Edge. After about 30 metres turn sharp right into the first driveway on the right and immediately right into the parking area.


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